We help kids grow math confidence, improve math skills, and apply math everywhere in life.

Our math coaches bring joy through games, discussion, feedback, and real relationships.

Current Coaches
Sari Levy
Laura Moore
Kayli Johnson
Ashlyn Miller
Aryn Frazier

Meet Our Founder, Sari Levy

Make It Count Math was founded by Sari Levy, a passionate educator and math enthusiast with 20 years of experience in the field. As a math interventionist, Sari noticed that students needed more time to practice foundational math concepts in order to feel more confident and competent about their math skills. Students often felt rushed in their math classrooms, and topics were moving too quickly. She created Make it Count Math to create what she wanted to see in her public school classrooms: joyful and thoughtful discussion, learning games that promote high-quality practice, and coaching to help students feel good and know where to improve. These math coaching sessions are for students who desire additional math experiences and also those who need additional math experiences to help them improve academically. Students who participate in these math sessions express interest and excitement in the math material, and develop a relationship with their coach that is motivating and promotes learning and growth.

Strategic Partners

We partner with 18th Ward Sports Club, KIPP New Orleans, and Live Oak Wilderness Camp to bring math tutoring to athletic programs, schools, and summer camps.

Board Members

Make It Count Math is a 501c3 nonprofit organization governed by a three-person board: Andy Clark, Laura Stein, and Laureé Akinola-Massaquoi.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

